Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Report on Project of MCQ’s Exam

  1. To analyze this project completely.
  2. To discuss all its features.
  3. To describe all important things, necessary for running this program.
Special thanks to:
Sir Muhammad Jamil Khan
Date of completion:
               This project (MCQ’s Exam) is developed for the easiness of exam taking system. With the help of this project a student will not be imposed to carry a clip board, pencils and papers. Furthermore it is also helpful for paper checking system as it immediately check answers and quickly produce results. It is also helpful to control results cheating as it is developed so that each and every student will get different questions because questions will occur randomly. 

This project is based on c++ object oriented technique. The use of classes and objects makes this program more effective. The following header files are included in this project.

  1.   Iostream
  2.   Conio.h
  3.   String
  4.   Cstdlib
  5.   Ctime
  6.   Fstream
Polymorphism is used to make it more effective. The use of file handling provides us a source to store data permanently. The random function is also included to get questions randomly.
A little bit of graphics is also used in this project.
Main features:

  1. First of all this project welcomes you.
  2. It takes data about student and stores it.
  3.  This project gives you the choice to select your subject.
  4.   After this it gives you 10 questions randomly out of 33 which are placed in database.
  5.   Further it accepts your answers and checks them and prints results.
  6.   The result card will be stored in d drive of your computer.
  7.   There are some mcq’s and true false questions
  8.   The negative marking is also included. If you want to skip question press ‘s’.
  9.   Moreover this project is reliable and flexible i.e you can change questions which are placed at database to make a new exam according to your own questions. 
Things to remember:
Student registration form is necessary to fill to proceed the program. Then selection of subjects occurs. For selection you will press ‘1’ for oop, ‘2’ for itc, ‘3’ for itt.  While choosing your choice of MCQ’s or true type questions enter lowercase letters.

Complete Description:
        This project is developed for the easiness of exam taking system. With the help of this project a student will not be imposed to carry a clip board, pencils and papers. Furthermore it is also helpful for paper checking system as it immediately check answers and quickly produce results. It is also helpful to control results cheating as it is developed so that each and every student will get different questions because questions will occur randomly. 
 This project is based on c++ object oriented technique. The use of classes and objects makes this program more effective. Some header files are included in this project i.e iostream, conio.h,  string.h, cstdlib, ctime and fstream. Polymorphism is used to make it more effective. The use of file handling provides us a source to store data permanently. The random function is also included to get questions randomly. Four classes are used in this project. These are Exam which is a base class, oop,itc and itt are derived classes. A little bit of graphics is also used in this project.
As far as main features are concerned first of all, this project welcomes you. Then takes data about student and stores it. This project gives you the choice to select your subject. After this it gives you 10 questions randomly out of 33 which are placed in database. Further it accepts your answers and checks them and prints results. The result card will be stored in d drive of your computer. There are some mcq’s and true false questions. Negative marking is also included. If you want to skip question press‘s’. Moreover this project is reliable and flexible i.e you can change questions which are placed at database to make a new exam according to your own questions.

While using this program following instructions will be kept in mind.
Student registration form is necessary to fill to proceed the program. Then selection of subjects occurs. For selection you will press ‘1’ for oop, ‘2’ for itc, ‘3’ for itt. While choosing your choice of MCQ’s or true type questions enter lowercase letters.

In conclusion we will say that this program will prove beneficial for both teachers as well as for students because of its effective and salient features. It would save time of students and teachers. We hope that you will enjoy using this program.

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